
International student health insurance is one of the most essential aspects of your education abroad experience, especially if you are an International Student in the U.S.

With a plethora of health insurance options available, it can be a daunting task to find the ideal plan for yourself – let alone consider others’ needs and preferences when making such decisions!

What is covered by International Student Health Coverage?

Despite the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many health insurance policies do not fully cover international medical costs, including those incurred in foreign countries. That being said; there are still numerous benefits to be had from the coverage offered by a student health insurance plan.

Accessible throughout the United States and provides entry-level coverage for International students. The plan includes primary and emergency care as well as a wide array of standard and extended benefits geared toward providing security during your time abroad.

How much does it cost?

With comprehensive international student health insurance plans readily available, starting prices are very reasonable. You can expect to pay anywhere from $15-$50 per month for full coverage – just like any other standard health plan.

In order to obtain the best possible value on your healthcare costs, it is essential that you employ a reputable insurer. If you’re looking for one which offers affordable rates for its products; take a look at our list of companies here!

The most cost-effective option is typically found by selecting a lower deductible level and thus providing more financial protection should an unforeseen event occur. This can prove beneficial not only in protecting against out-of-pocket expenses but also enabling access to quicker treatment when needed. To ensure that you never have to worry about these costs ever again consider enrolling in our Student Health Insurance Plans!

Can I buy my own insurance while I’m in the US?

Some insurance policies allow you to purchase a plan while residing abroad, and thus provide coverage for medical expenses incurred during this time. These plans are called overseas health insurance policies and can be purchased online or via telephone calls.

Enrollment usually takes place within 60 days of your departure from the United States; however, some carriers may require additional days before providing coverage.

You should not neglect purchasing healthcare insurance if you’re staying in the US on an F-1 visa. If you don’t have any coverage, it is possible that one could incur costs beyond what they would have budgeted for upon arrival – resulting in financial strain as well as potentially damaging their future student visa application process.

international student health insurance

What if I don’t have health insurance?

What if you don’t have international student health insurance? Are you out of luck? Well, not necessarily! There are options for those who do not possess any form of coverage. For example, there are various free clinics that offer services such as flu shots and dental care – just be sure to inquire before visiting!

If your predicament is dire enough that you do not possess any form of health insurance, then consider seeking assistance from organizations such as the American Red Cross or United Nations’ International Students Health Insurance Plan (ISSIHIP). This organization provides affordable insurance policies for international students who reside in countries outside the US.


International student health insurance is an essential component of any well-planned medical regimen, so it’s crucial that international students understand how this insurance works before signing up. If you require assistance in locating suitable options for yourself or your loved ones, don’t hesitate to contact us! We will do everything possible to ensure that you are properly covered.